Brick Book

John Oliver’s BRICK BOOK was first published in 2000, the second edition in 2006, and the 3rd edition in 2014. This iconic publication has something for everyone with a wide target audience; it is a quality reference book and has been recognised as such.

From the individual who is interested in building a brick building or dwelling and just wants to make sure they get the best possible outcome, to the bricklayer laying the bricks, to the builder constructing the building and the architect/designer providing the plans and specification; this book offers good sound advice together with solutions.

The 2014 edition, which contains over 40 chapters covering a wide range of subjects, has had a major revision and update with an additional 9 chapters being added, covering the following subjects:

  • The Christchurch earthquakes and the performance of brick. 
  • Saving brick heritage buildings.
  • Earthquake zones and brick tie requirements.
  • The use of second-hand bricks, particularly relevant when considering Christchurch stock piles that are being shipped around the country.
  • The recladding of leaky dwellings using brick veneer.
  • The new two storey brick veneer system.
  • The introduction of E2/AS1 Masonry and its implications.
  • What does define the ‘quality’ of a brick?

In addition, there are 12 new details added to the extensive library of 110 details already in the book.

If you are in the building industry, regardless of your role, this book should be in your library. To ORDER NOW download the Order Form. Cost $49.95 includes GST and Postage. Overseas orders NZD$75.00 including postage.



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